I briefly toyed with an old Fedora Core 4 VMWare image from the VMWare Appliance store, but it's useless since it didn't ship with a compiler (no gcc or cc at all! Useless!). So, never mind on all that.
But not so fast! I little bit more Googling turned up the correct sysctl options. Thanks to Smash the Stack, I found this, and it works like a champ:
todb@mazikeen:~/dev/sc$ sudo /sbin/sysctl -w kernel.randomize_va_space=0Huzzah! So, back to page 28.
kernel.randomize_va_space = 0
todb@mazikeen:~/dev/sc$ gcc find_start.c -o find_start
todb@mazikeen:~/dev/sc$ ./find_start
Found start: 0xbffff344
todb@mazikeen:~/dev/sc$ ./find_start
Found start: 0xbffff344
By the way, here's the jigdo command line, if you'd like to give building Sarge a whirl:
jigdo-lite http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/archive/3.1_r4/i386/jigdo-dvd/debian-31r4-i386-binary-1.jigdoThat bad boy is still churning away.
jigdo-lite http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/archive/3.1_r4/i386/jigdo-dvd/debian-31r4-i386-binary-2.jigdo
Wow, been looking for a way to disable ASLR for a long while! Thanks dude!